
中央突袭队标志Hone your skills with drills from CCC coaches and student-athletes




Please register for the grade the student will be in the 2024-2025 school year.



All coed golf camps will be held at the Elks Country Club, 5113 63rd St.ne68601,哥伦布市

1-Day Camp: Monday, June 3 - Registration Closed

3 -12年级:上午9-11:30.m. $35

The focus will be on all aspects of the golf game. Training will be provided by CCC coaches and Raider golfers.

Volleyball 营地 - Coach Mary Young


夏令营日期:6月17日 & 18 -报名截止


Session 1: K-2nd grade, 9-10 a.m. (6-40露营者)
Session 2: 3rd-4th grade, 10:30-11:30 a.m. (6-40露营者)

小突袭者训练营将是基本的入门级排球技能的开始球员. Primary focus will be on correct technique and learning skills. 训练将由中央教练组和突击者排球队员提供. Volleylite balls will be used to ensure success for young players.



夏令营日期:6月17日 & 18 -报名截止

Session 1: 5th-7th grade, 1-3 p.m. (6-30露营者)

活动日期:6月27日 & 28

Session 2 (Repeat of Session 1): 5th-7th grade, 9-11 a.m. (6-30露营者)

技能训练营强调训练5 -7年级营员的基础和所有排球技能的发展.


Pass/Serve/Defend Camp: June 20 - REGISTRATION CLOSED


8 -12年级:早上9:30.m.-中午12时(6-24名营员)


Setting Camp: June 20 - REGISTRATION CLOSED


8 -12年级:1-3:30.m. (6日到24日露营者)

The setter camp is designed to develop and train the setting position.

Hitting Camp: June 27 - REGISTRATION CLOSED


8 -12年级:1-3:30.m. (6日到24日露营者)

The hitting camp is designed to develop basic attacking mechanics.

Girls Basketball Camp - Coach Kasi Stoltz

Little Raider Fundamental Girls Basketball Camp

$45, includes a basketball (must preregister to be guaranteed a basketball)

2-Day Camp: June 24 and 25 - REGISTRATION CLOSED

k -5年级:9-11年级.m.
6 -8年级:1-3分钟.m.


Boys Basketball 营地 - Coach John Ritzdorf

Little Raider Boys Basketball Camp

Fee includes a basketball (must preregister to be guaranteed a basketball).   

2-Day 营日期: June 10 and 11 - REGISTRATION CLOSED

幼儿园至五年级:8:30-10:30.m. $ 45 w /篮球

2-Day 营日期: June 10 and 11 - REGISTRATION CLOSED

6 -8年级:1-3分钟.m. $ 45 w /篮球


Soccer 营地 - Coaches Jamie Bennett and Luis Pulido



$ 35 w / t恤

k -5年级:9-10年级.m.



(Intended for prospective college athletes who are in high school)


w / 30美元的t恤

9 -12年级:10 a.m.-3 p.m.

Campus tour and lunch included.


男女同校的技术 & 技能营


$30 ($50 If registering for both technical & skill and situational developmental camps)

5 -8年级:上午9-10:30.m.

侧重于比赛技术和技巧方面的各个方面(步法), 运球, 通过, 和拍摄).

Coed Situational Developmental Camp


$30 ($50 If registering for both technical & skill and situational developmental camps)

5 -8年级:上午9-10:30.m.

这个训练营旨在帮助玩家学习处理游戏中常见的不同情况所需的技能和策略. 更具体地说,我们将讨论1V1, 2V2和3V3情况下的进攻和防守.

Esports 营地 - Coach Lucas Lumbra



  • July 15: 5th-7th 年级,中午12点到下午4点.m.
  • July 16: 8th-12th 年级,中午12点到下午4点.m.


火箭联盟电竞训练营将涵盖包括机械在内的众多电竞主题, 团队合作的实践和沟通,以及营员有机会与他们的同龄人作为一个团体进行面对面的竞争, 组织环境.



露营者是 要求 进行一场战斗.个人电脑净副本 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III 参与. gAme可以在 http://us.shop.battle.net/en-us/product/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-iii



  • 7月17日:5th-7th 年级,中午12点到下午4点.m.
  • 7月18日:8th-12th 年级,中午12点到下午4点.m.


《全世界最大的网赌网址》电竞训练营将涵盖包括机制在内的众多电竞主题, 团队合作的实践和沟通,以及营员有机会与他们的同龄人作为一个团体进行面对面的竞争, 组织环境.



Student 参与协议

我明白,确保自己安全、避免受伤的最好办法就是遵守规则, regulations and instructions provided to me. 我同意学习并遵守本次CCC主办活动的所有规章制度,并听从工作人员的所有指示. 


我同意我的孩子/被监护人参加CCC主办的活动,并确认我的孩子/被监护人的参与完全是自愿的. 我明白我的孩子在参加活动时所参与的活动存在固有的风险(其中一些风险如下所述),可能导致严重伤害甚至死亡. 我也理解, 尽管有安全预防措施, 中央社区学院不能保证我的孩子/病房不会受伤. My child/ward and I are willing to assume these risks. 将风险降到最低, I have instructed my child/ward to obey all the rules, regulations and instructions associated with the activity. 

我确认我的孩子/被监护人参加活动完全是自愿的, 并理解参与此活动会带来受伤的风险,因为某些固有的风险是无法消除的,无论采取何种措施来避免受伤, 如, 但不限于, the following: contact with other individuals engaged in the activity; contact with the floor, 墙, or other obstacles utilized for the activity; and strenuous exertions, quick movements which place stress on the cardiovascular, 肌肉发达的, 骨骼系统. The specific risks vary from (1) minor injuries 如 scratches, 擦伤和扭伤, to (2) major injuries 如 eye injury or loss of sight, 关节或背部损伤, 心脏病发作, 和脑震荡, to (3) catastrophic injuries including paralysis and death. I understand that if I have questions about possible hazards, 在签署此表格之前,我有责任向CCC工作人员寻求更多信息. 我也理解, 尽管有安全预防措施, 中央社区学院不能保证我的孩子/病房不会受伤. 我同意承担这些风险. 

Assumption of Risk, Waiver of Liability, Release and Agreement Not to Sue

考虑允许我的孩子/病房参加CCC赞助的活动, 我自愿同意, 为我自己, 我的继承人, 执行人, 和管理员, 致: 


that may be sustained by my child/ward, or any loss or 损害 to property owned by me/my child/ward, 作为训练的结果, 参与, or traveling to or from the CCC sponsored activity. 

To Release, Waive, Hold Harmless, Discharge and Agree Not to Sue

the person or entity responsible for administering the CCC sponsored activity, 活动总监, 他/她的助理, 中央社区学院, 或其理事会, 军官, 员工, 代理, 学生, and staff from any and all liability, 索赔, 行动, 要求, 费用, 律师费用, 违约行为, 违反法定义务, 或者其他注意义务, 保修, 严格责任诉讼, and causes of action whatsoever, that I might now have or may acquire in the future, arising out of or related to any loss, 损害, 或受伤, 包括死亡, 那可能由我来维持, or to any property belonging to me, while 参与 the CCC sponsored activity. 


我的孩子/病房有资格参加需要交通工具前往远离中央社区学院校园的活动. 中央社区学院 will arrange this group transportation. 校外活动将在中央社区学院工作人员的指导和监督下进行. 


I grant permission to 活动总监, 助理, 代表我代表该未成年人对轻微的医疗问题进行评估/治疗. I understand that should a major medical problem arise, an attempt will be made to notify me by telephone. In the event that I cannot be reached, 本人在此同意接受持牌医生认为必要的医疗. 我明白任何与治疗相关的医疗费用将由我负责,并提供我的个人保险. 


Refunds will be issued seven (7) days or more prior to start of the sports camp; less than seven (7) days will not constitute a refund.

Medical issues/death in family will fully be refunded. 然而,如果这是一个医疗问题,我们将需要一份医生的证明传真或电子邮件给我们.

For more information contact Sara Rood at 402-562-1254 or sararood@fc-daudenzell.com